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Who are we?

Lublin GameDev is created by enthusiasts in game development. Our community consists of people working in the industry and those who have ambitions to progress in it.

Want to take your first steps in game dev? Join us for a meeting and say hello!


It doesn't matter whether you're already a professional or just starting your adventure - our meetups are the perfect place to find people who are passionate about game development!


Would you like to learn how to design a game, create a model, or program gameplay? Visit workshops where, under the guidance of specialists, you will learn how you can do it.

Game Jams

Do you dream about creating a game? Try it at the 48-hour marathon first! During this time, you'll learn a lot about how games are made, and have an occasion to find a team for future competitions!

Jaka jest nasza Misja?

Lublin GameDev Foundation was founded to bring together the Lublin community of game developers. People who enjoy and aren't afraid to share their knowledge of game development. From the very beginning, the foundation has been hosting many local and less local events for people passionate about games to make new friends and exchange mutual experiences. As Patryk Galach puts it - the only thing better than playing games is creating them!

Nasze Projekty

Are you curious about what we do? We are actively engaged in a number of activities to connect game industry representatives and amateur game developers. Here are some of the projects:

LubGame Conference

Konferencja dla entuzjastów tworzenia gier w Polsce i poza nią

Global Game Jam

Want to create a game in 48 hours? Join our LubJam!

Game Jam Plus

A marathon in which you will create not only a game, but also your own studio!

Turniej Trójgamiczny

Are you a high school student and want to prove yourself in game development?


Students from all around Poland compete in game development championships


When the pandemic hits you, sit down to your computer!

Start w Gamedev

A series of free workshops for people who want to learn how to design games and use them in their business

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